YOU WILL RECEIVE:(3) Organic tinctures formulated to relieve cramps (1oz) Cramp Bark, (1oz) Shepherd's Purse, (1oz) Red Clover.
Best if taken bitter but honey can be added as a sweetener
(1oz) Organic Cramp Bark
✅ Most popular tincture for reducing painful menstrual cramps
✅ Helps soothe inflamed tissues
✅ Helps relax spastic muscles
✅ Diuretic to relief bloating and fluid retention.
✅ Back pai & leg ache relief
1(oz) Shepherd's Purse
✅ Most used tincture for prolonged bleeding.
✅ Reduce heavy bleeding due to postpartum hemorrhage, bleeding after childbirth, or menses
✅ Contains specific compounds to balance hormones 7 stimulate circulation
✅ Anti-inflammatory effect which can reduce pain associated with a woman's menses
1(oz) Red Clover
✅ Reduces Menopausal Symptoms
✅ Regulates menstrual cycle
✅ Reduce hot flashes
✅ Improve mood
✅ Fights acne/psoriasis
✅ Balance hormones